Sunday 21 August 2011

Eat Canadian!

Hello fellow Canucks and other people who are interested in finding out about our foods, welcome to this journey through Canada's foods. Living abroad for years has taught me one thing about our food; not enough people at home or abroad, whether Canadian or not, know about Canadian food. There is a very wrongheaded belief that our food is non-existant or that corporate produced garbage (often sold as "food") is all that there is to Canada. Many people also posit that our food is the same as that of America's, and their is some truth in this, but not in the way one might immediately assume.

What people have forgotten in their busy frantic approach to life is that there lies a long and varied story of what is Canadian food, lying below the surface of what the marketeers of corporate offices have duped the public into consuming. Now, more than ever, in this age of labour exploitation, international business cartel shipping, monocrop agribusiness, genetically modified frankenfoods, chemical preservatives, sugar/glucose/fructose laced foods and all the other horrific elements attacking people through their stomachs we need to reconnect. We need to learn where we come from and who we are as a people by the simple act of learning about our food sources and eating healthy.

Now that people are starting to understand why we need to have a more locally based diet we ought to also consider the foods that make up our home and native land's history. We have a rich history and diversity of foods, from native peoples and immigrants, eras and cultures are preserved through this sacred knowledge and we are denying our children their very culture by not honouring these dishes. Take this as a manifesto, write in and contribute to this blog and let's get sharing the story and recipes of Canadian food before people simply forget.

Bon Appétit

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